Friday, October 16, 2015

Reham Khan 's Daughter Inaya Rehman 's biological father is Shoaib Mufti

Reham Khan is a very controversial woman. Everything she claims about herself and her life eventually proves to be a lie. She says she did a BA (Education) from The University of Peshawar. Turns out that course isnt even offered by the University of Peshawar. She then says she has a Post graduate diploma from North Lindsey college. North Lindsey College then confirms, that she is infact lying, she changes her statement after 5 years of mentioning North Lindsay College to her employers,and mentioning on her twitter account repeatedly that North Lindsay is infact the college she attended for her post graduate diploma, she changes her statement and says she embarked on a course from Grimsby Institute which ended in 2006. Note, she never says she actually graduated from the Grimsby Institute in 2006 , instead only mentions that the said course offered by Grimsby Institute, concluded in 2006( possibly to avoid a legal issue with them in the UK). Interesting thing is, while other journalists and anchors post their qualifications on twitter and mention them and their Universities on their CVs, Reham has done neither, as she has no qualifications.

She says in her interview that her upbringing wasnt Pakistani at all. And then after marrying Imran Khan she talks about her very conservative Pakistani upbringing. After marriage to Ijaz Rehman, she lived in Hull, which has a large population of Pakistanis, many of whom have been her friends in the past, yet Reham is so ashamed of being Pakistani, that she denies she ever even lived in an area where there were Pakistanis in the UK. Many of her old family friends from her married days to Ijaz Rehman have even put up videos of her in shalwar kameez dancing at desi weddings in the UK, they  have also said, that Reham always cooked Pakistani food at her house and was good at it. Reham's entire upbringing was very Pakistani, yet she would try and avoid mentioning Pakistan and Islam, whenever Caucasian British people asked her about her upbringing.

She says to family and friends that she never wanted to wear mini skirts on BBC as it was against Islam, but only did it for the money to support her children. This was once again another lie,  her ex husband has uploaded documents which shows how much money she got in child support and in teh divorce settlement, also the think her Pakistani relatives dont know about the UK, is that the UK government gives 'benefits' to unemployed citizens, money on which they can live . And even the most basic jobs in the UK, which require no educational requirements, have a large workforce of muslim women, who wear the hijaz and do these jobs. You see, in any job in the UK, it is illegal to discriminate against someones religious beliefs, therefore if Reham Khan was forced to wear mini skirts by the BBC and if she was uncomfortable with it due to her religious and moral values, she couldve sued the BBC. If her religious and moral values were so important to her, why didnt she get any other job when thousands of jobs are readily available in the UK that require NO educational or practical experience, like working in a call centre, and they pay almost the same salary?, or why didnt she do her job in modest dressing?. Why didnts she go on benefits?. There are hijabi weather presenters, hijabi news reporters in the UK,and hijabi muslim women in almost every single industry in the UL All these things are legally allowed in the UK. Reham Khan was also seen shopping in Manchester over weekends in such short and tight skirts that you could see half of her butt hanging out of them, the truth is she is a habitual liar and a hypocrite. All she cares about is money and attention, and ger moral and religious views change accordingly. She will do and say whatever is necessary to be in teh spotlight and not face adverse reactions. She says she never drank alcohol, but you can see her gulping down white wine in her BBC Christmas party picture, she says she never ate or handled pork,  yet videos and her family friends from the UK, would tell you otherwise.

Apart from ALL this, the purpose of this article was to talk about her youngest daughter Inaya Rehman. Inaya Rehman's paternity is a secret that Many of Reham's own family members know about but wouldnt mention it out loud. The reason for this is, that Inaya's biological father is Shoaib Mufti, the son of Reham Khan's cousin, and essentially her nephew. Shoaib Mufti was living with Reham Khan and her Husband Ijaz Rehman in their home in Lincolnshire. Reham Was known in Lincolnshire to be a fliratious woman, and had many affairs with the doctor's there, many of whom were married, and many gave her a huge sum of money as well. All of this can be confirmed by the residents of Hull, who have witnessed Reham on dates with these men, when her husband was away. Reham was seen making out with Shoaib Mufti in Hull, when her children were at school, and her husband was in Pakistan. The news very quickly spread all around Hull, many of her husband's well wishers wanted to notify him, and tried to tell him of what was going on. Ijaz Rehman loved his wife, and I think a part of him knew that his friends were right, but he refused to listen to them, because believing them would mean his family could break apart. Inaya Rehman was conceived when Ijaz Rehman wasnt even in the UK, but abroad, and Reham was in the UK. Many of their family friends have mentioned this to each other that the dates simply dont match!.

After speaking to Reham's family and her cousins, I was told that Shahida Mufti ( Shoaib Mufti's mother) found out about the affair,and was so angry she told her son to finish off contact with Reham Khan and move to London. Many family members witnessed her outburst. Shahida Mufti told her family members that she doesnt trust Reham or her sister Salma around young men, as they both have a bit of a bad 'reputation' and were both gold diggers, she also mentioned that Reham herself had told one of the family members that Inaya Rehman was not Ijaz Rehman's biological daughter

If a DNA test is demanded to prove Inaya Rehman's paternity then Reham could face jail in the UK, because it means she lied to the court, and fraudulently received money from CSA claiming that Inaya Rehman was Ijaz Rehman's daughter. Hopefully a DNA test will be done soon, and Shoaib Mufti can be re-united with his biological daughter Inaya.

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